The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

In 2004 I started an Injury Prevention Program funded by UPMC Passavant, for teens on Safe Driving and Alcohol Awareness which has been presented to over 35 school districts in 7 counties in western Pennsylvania. To date, we have presented to over 19,000 high school teens. In 2007 the program was expanded to the Senior Citizen population presenting programs on Fall Prevention. In 2008, I received my certification as a National Child Safety Passenger Seat Technician. I work part time as a charge nurse in the Emergency Department at UPMC Passavant in Pittsburgh. My husband Chuck is a Penn State grad and a CPA. He is employed at Confluence Technologies as the Controller. Our oldest son will be graduating from Penn State in May 2009 with a major in IST and a minor in Security Risk Analysis and in June 2009, our youngest son will be starting at Penn State University Park with a major in IST. Go Penn State!